Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Zayn Malik Love Story


In the not curious how the love story of a guy's cute member of One Direction, Zayn Malik?
Check out the below ;)

Zayn was shy but basically washed. Small fitting she ever attacked excessive sense of inferiority Because he lives in England but his family had a different cultural background. Because there is a mixture of English, the same Pakistan India. In fact he used to feel as if there is ga girl would fall in love with him. And Zayn from cute and flirty once already Because he fits the age of 8 years already dared write love letters to a girl it 'I Like you'.

But he already not inferior fittings moved to Tong High School, Because there have a friend who is the same minority. Many descendants and Muslims. And that makes happy again, there are many girls who ask acquaintances alike Zayn. Moreover, he used to sing Jay Sean fitting there. Well if the same invented Zayn, he'll first date invites girlfriend for a romantic dinner. Let me get to know deket so. And out ngedate, According Zayn really great way for closing is love kissing his girlfriend on the cheek. Because he was so romantic type of guy. She would be there for his girlfriend Whenever he takes his girl friend for a story. But Zayn also want to have a girl who can chat all day, day malem. Zayn also never said he was with a girl like that is simple and not so adventurous, then he'll ntar invites his girlfriend over for clay tile star. You know what? Zayn was really like for eye see the girl, as she says, she can you tell a lot of things from the eyes of a girl!

Romantic again, Zayn used to love to makeup songs and poems for his girlfriend. He want his girlfriend to know if she likes the same real girlfriend. If he already was really like with a girl, he said he would add to the tattoo on his body wearing her Initials girl in love it. And although Zayn can not swim, if his girlfriend in the same sinking going on please by Zayn. But there are 2 Things that have not romantic to Zayn lakuin Because girls have not found the right girl. First, he does not sing the song let me love Because you have not found the right one. Second, he really want the same girlfriend kissing under the moonlight. But despite the romantic Zayn, he sempet in the same heart breaker cap ex, Geneva Lane. The reason is, Because they fit the dating Zayn arrived - arrived dump so. And Zayn says he will be faithful and will love Geneva.Tapi his world to a month after breaking up, dating Zayn Equally Rebecca Ferguson. Geneva also said Zayn was too small for her to girl ngasihin world. But Zayn same 5 month courtship Rebecca just kept dropping Because both busy and again during maturation. Romantic-romantic so, Zayn first ever dinnerTriplets know at the same time ;)

If present, each member Zayn Little Mix Perrie Edwards dating ie, dating Briefly once they had kept dropping. And they revert again in May 2012. Zayn already sure like to do the same very same Perrie now, even a lot of gossip if she wanted the same Perre fiance in 2013. Well, even though many do not agree at their relationship, as Directioners, we must respect them :) pastithe same or not? Yet it is also the make-Zayn happy anyway: ')


Zayn ever said .....

"When I go out, I have to the make sure everything I wear that fits me."

"I'd definitely date a fan. Chick who'll take dinner later joked should be good, smart, and ambitious." Yeah, that's my type really!: 3

"I'm not a person who had many friends. I choose friends who connect with me."

"I'm really organized. I always know where my stuff is stored.

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